An interesting article about the importance of mental detox…
Sunday 10:30 am
Sunday School 10:30 am
Wednesday 7:30 pmPLEASE NOTE:
Our services are now in person as well as on Zoom at 10:30 AM. Information for joining us on Zoom is below:
On a computer with internet access/WIFI or a smart phone, just click on this link.
Password: Love
To call from a mobile phone, click here to dial automatically: +13126266799,,8028677876#
Password: 566951
If you prefer to dial your phone manually, the number is:
Meeting ID: 802 867 7876
Password: 566951
1567 Maple Ave., Evanston
Parking is Free on Sundays. Obey parking signs on other days.
Reading Room
1936 Central St. (1 Block West of Greenbay Rd)
The Reading Room is open:Tues-Fri 10-5Sat 10-1847- 475-5676Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Mary Baker Eddy wrote Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures to give to the world the practical system of Christian healing she discovered in the Bible. Read this book.